Student Leadership

The Goldfarb Center for Public Affairs Student Advisory Board is a group of 6-15 students who, with the support of Goldfarb Faculty and Staff, develop and exercise leadership skills by fostering student engagement in public affairs and Goldfarb Center events.

Service on the Advisory Board is open to any Colby student in their sophomore, junior, or senior year and any field of study, and the Goldfarb Center actively seeks student representation from outside the division of social sciences. While first-year students are not eligible to serve on the Advisory Board, they are encouraged to get involved with the Center’s work through attendance and involvement in the Center’s events and programs, as well as occasional volunteer opportunities. Upon joining the Advisory Board, students may serve for as many years as they would like, subject to active engagement with Board activities and campus-based study.

The call for nominations for the Student Advisory Board is issued during Spring semester each year, for service to begin the following fall semester. Nominations for the ’24/’25 academic year opened on April 1, and closed on Tuesday, April 9. To receive an email notification for the nomination call, and other announcements about Goldfarb Center events and happenings, we invite you to join the Center’s Google Group. Please join the group by emailing the current co-chairs: Erica Lee ’24, Grace Hillis ’24, or Joanna Velazquez ’24 with a request to be added.

Public Affairs Club

The Student Advisory Board is the interface between the Goldfarb Center and the larger Goldfarb Public Affairs Club, which any Colby student is welcomed to join. While not an official club recognized by the Office of Student Life, the group works to advance the Goldfarb Center’s mission, which includes exploring the role of public policy and connecting the Colby community to the nation’s most pressing current events.  The vision of the club is to cultivate a community within Colby that values diversity of thought and promotes intellectual discussions about current public affairs issues. If you are a student and interested in joining, reach out to the 2023-24 co-chairs: Erica Lee ’24Grace Hillis ’24, or Joanna Velazquez ’24.