Student Internship Grant

Students apply to receive Sandy Maisel Internship Grants through DavisConnects. Applications that align with the purpose of the Sandy Maisel Student Grants are in turn forwarded to the Goldfarb Center for review and an award decision. Students receiving internship grants will be named Sandy Maisel Student Fellows for the academic year in which their work is completed and should include that designation on all work that results from this grant. Recipients are required to submit a brief report following completion of the internship summarizing the experience, as well as a detailed report of all expenses paid for by the grant money (including copies of receipts organized by date) must be submitted. Additionally, Sandy Maisel Student Fellows are expected to attend Goldfarb Center events throughout the year regularly.

Application Process

Applicants wishing to be considered for a Sandy Maisel Internship Grant will complete 3 application components:

1. Prepare and submit a General Application Part 1 through DavisConnects

2. Prepare and submit a General Application Part 2 through DavisConnects.

3. Prepare and submit a short, supplementary essay-style application through DavisConnects that becomes available upon submission of the General Application Part 2 and includes the following prompts:

– Why are you interested in an internship in the fields of public affairs and/or public policy?

What specific skills or experiences are you hoping to gain through an internship in the fields of public affairs and/or public policy?

– What coursework of yours (if any) do you feel is relevant to this internship experience?

– What co-curricular, extra-curricular or job-related activities of yours (if any) do you feel are relevant to this internship experience?

– (Optional) What engagement (if any) with the Goldfarb Center have you had? How has any engagement with Goldfarb impacted your experience at Colby?

– (Optional) What engagement (if any) with DavisConnects have you had that you feel is relevant to this internship experience?

– (Optional) Is there anything more you’d like to say about how an internship in the fields of public affairs and/or public policy specifically fits into your plans for the future?

– Is there anything else you’d like to share that you feel is relevant to your application?

Note: Applicants should also be prepared to submit a resume, a copy of their transcript, and the name of one faculty reference.

JanPlan ’24 Application Deadlines and Dates:

Application Opens: Monday, October 7

Application Closes:  Thursday, October 17

Award Notifications:  Thursday, October 31

For questions about the grant process, contact Scott Lamer at [email protected].

For all other questions, contact Goldfarb Center Associate Director Erica Buswell at [email protected]du

Student Research Grant

Students receiving research grants will be named Sandy Maisel Student Fellows for the academic year in which their work is completed and should include that designation on all work that results from this grant. Sandy Maisel Student Fellows are expected to attend Goldfarb Center events throughout the year on a regular basis.

Application Process

Sandy Maisel Research Grant application and funding cycles track with DavisConnects process for funding research and other independent studies. Students will submit a general application as well as a supplemental application that responds to the following questions:

Provide a brief abstract describing the project.

What is the topic’s connection to the Goldfarb Center’s public affairs mission?

Provide a brief literature review (consult with your faculty sponsor for examples relevant to your field) that indicates the significance of your research questions.

Describe the methodology, including a clear indication of how data will be gathered and how variables will be defined.

Please provide evidence that you have the skills necessary to gather the information in this way, usually indicated by significant coursework. Defend why this project is viable.

What is your timeline for data-gathering and writing?

Are you applying for funding from any source other than through Goldfarb Sandy Maisel grants? If so, indicate the source and how much you are requesting.

If applicable, please explain any extenuating circumstances that may have impacted your academic record.

If applicable, please explain any extenuating circumstances that may have an impact on your financial status.

If the project involves human subjects, the proposal should simultaneously be submitted to Colby’s Institutional Review Board to the Goldfarb Center. Your project must be approved before we will disburse funds.

Specify the intended end product for the project and at least preliminary thoughts on means of dissemination. Students receiving funding under this program will be expected to make presentations as part of the Colby Undergraduate Research Symposium.


You must keep all receipts and submit the originals in a timely fashion to the Goldfarb Center’s administrative assistant. The receipts need to show both what was purchased and how much (to keep both the accountants and IRS happy). You do not need to wait until the project is finished to submit your receipts (in fact, it is best to submit within 30 days of the expenditure). You should keep a log of all your expenses (an Excel spreadsheet is a good idea). It is a good habit to get into but, more importantly, ensures accurate accounting for yourself and the Center.

JanPlan ’24 Application Deadlines and Dates:

Application Opens: Monday, October 7

Application Closes:  Thursday, October 17

Award Notifications: Thursday, October 31 

For questions about the grant process, contact Scott Lamer at [email protected].

For all other questions, contact Goldfarb Center Associate Director Erica Buswell at [email protected]